Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year, New Day, Same Problems

Happy new year, right. Relationships are so fucking confusing. I dont understand how men can say women are indifferent. You know what I say to that, "All men can be gay for all I care, so they can go fuck themselves,  Ugh!!!!" How is it possible that in the mist of a beautiful process, you can be so ugly and inconsiderate.

This is why I'm pissed... I called my mom so Dennis could talk to her... meet her, and basically give her that comfort that "Hey, I love your daughter, we're having a baby, and I plan to build a family with her". No obviously thats too hard for this fucking genius. He got so upset because I "put him on the spot"... I considered the fact that we just discussed "what if" something goes wrong... who to call and speak to. If he called my mom, she wouldnt know who he was or why I was with him and send out a series of panics and prayers. I just want my family to see him in the light that I see him... but why does he keep flicking the fucking light switch when they are around... asshole

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