Friday, January 17, 2014

I Can Take Care Of You Baby

Old horny men disgust me. On the way home from writing my appeal, I met the father of Marco... this dude was the finest man walking to me. Unfortunately, I was invisible to him. He hung out with Kierra'em so I was pretty much finding my own friends. Anyway, long story short. He was shot by this really quiet guy who, to my understanding, did it out of desperation and drugs. That was about... eight years ago.
On the way home, I was hit on by Marco's dad, Marco Anthony... I forgot his last name, but apparently Marco was a junior, so that's how I'm going to separate the two. Now Big Marco, explained to me how he slept with Shunteria (Surprised... not really), some chic that was Brooke's cheerleading teacher, my Aunt Debbie (Surprised... not really), and some dude name Nat, wife. He boasted how he paid bills, did favors, all for sexual favors... a trick... he was proud to be a trick. I kept trying to keep the conversation on his son and how great he was... but he was insisting on sleeping with me... the guy made me sick... riding the bus and running into men like this is overwhelming... I would like to be able to stay focus without the temptation... honestly,  the temptation isn't the men, its the money. I know if I use the men I can be on my feet in no time. But ... the baggage of all the lies and manipulation... its not worth it. I want to start saying I'm gay, but your tongue speak life and death, and God knows my heart is weak. I am becoming colder to men though. Its as if Dennis's abuse and negligence made me realize being alone an't so bad, and best of all, it froze my heart from allowing anymore lies and other manipulation to enter. So old man Marco, Brandon, and Ellis just waste their time... I don't have anymore room to give a man, just enough to take.

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