Saturday, January 18, 2014

Irritating Morning

Im so irritated for no reason. I think its because im... wanting ... I wanna have sex. I dont want to use the internet, men that approach me are ... not my type, and my type are... usually a undercover. Terrible?  I know... but thats why condoms are inforced. Casual sex seems suitable. One person who I occasionally contact for affection.
Besides that issue, I need my own space. I want to be able to close my eyes and relax... im trying to get use to having #METIME for two hours before I get sleepy.
Working for Mrs. Duckens, formerly known as Mrs. Brown, is slow. On top of that im not getting paid for months from now probably. She hasn't received her grant for service and operations. On top of that, I feel as though I will have to kiss Mr. Duckens ass to keep my job. Last time she said he wouldnt really be involved, but he was at the building torturing the adolescent clients through his witching aged, bullfrog built daughter, gossip stirring granddaughter, and demon founded repeat of the bible scriptures. I prefer not ever seeing that man for as long as I work, or be mentored by Mrs. Duckens.

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