Saturday, January 18, 2014

Reality v.s Wishful Thinking

Things are becoming difficult. I dont have any money, appropriate clothes, and patience. Well, my patience is lasting, but as for money and clothes... im dying here. I need to get a job, but its difficult with the options I have. I could go to Dress for Success. They are generous when it comes to clothes and may be able to direct me towards the light of employment. There are plenty of jobs in Houston, I just need the resources to get them. Here's a list of things I'm working towards;
Transportation- I dont mind riding the bus, I just need bus fare without asking my grandmother. Receiving her help entitles her to talk to me and Brooke with disrespect. My plan to conquer this issue is, charities and workforce solution centers, I might do better with charities.
Clothes/Shoes- Dress for Success seems like my best option. I know I have to go by appointment, so I plan to set that up for next week.
Hair- This natural kick isn't for the poor, I need a perm and/or weave...

Now that I know what I need, its time to execute...

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